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What Is a Data Breach: Prevention for Today's Digital Landscape

Written by Admin | Jan 9, 2024 2:38:18 PM

In an age where data fuels businesses and our personal lives, protecting sensitive information is more crucial than ever. With the rise in data breaches, it’s essential to understand “what is a data breach”, how they occur, and how to prevent them. In this blog post, we explore the world of data breaches, their impact, and the strategies your enterprise can take to mitigate their risks.

Key Takeaways

  • Data breaches are unauthorized access or exposure of sensitive information that can result in financial losses, reputational damage and legal implications.
  • Common causes include weak passwords, unaddressed software vulnerabilities and employee negligence/malice.
  • Companies must implement strong password security, regular software updates & employee cybersecurity training to prevent data breaches as well as comply with company policy as well as federal & state regulations..

Defining a Data Breach

A data breach occurs when unauthorized access or exposure of information leads to financial losses, reputation damage, and legal implications for both businesses and individuals. The most common security breaches involve the loss or theft of devices or unauthorized access to credentials, which can lead to data breach incidents. As we know, data breaches happen, so it’s crucial to take preventive measures to minimize the risk.

Types of Data Breaches

Data breaches can be classified as accidental or intentional, involving external attackers or internal personnel. Some examples include stolen information, ransomware, phishing, password guessing, malware, insider threats, and human error, all leading to data leaks and unauthorized access to sensitive information. A malicious insider, for instance, could potentially gain access to a company’s financial information or client list and sell it to a competitor.

Common Causes

Data breaches often result from:

  • Weak passwords
  • Unaddressed software vulnerabilities
  • Phishing attacks
  • Employee negligence or malevolence
  • Insecure configurations or third-party data exchange
  • New technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, that prioritize convenience over security

These factors can leave users vulnerable to data breaches, especially when it comes to customer data.

Even with the backend technology configured correctly, poor digital habits of users could compromise a website or network, leading to accidental data breaches.

The Impact of Data Breaches

Data breaches can have severe consequences, including financial and reputational harm, legal accountability, and a decline in customers’ confidence. The data revealed in a data breach may also be utilized for identity theft, deception, and other malevolent acts. To avoid becoming a victim, individuals should take preventative steps and monitor their financial accounts for suspicious activities.

Companies that suffer a data breach may encounter a decrease in their corporate data value and an augmentation in customer attrition, sometimes leading to the dissolution of the business.

Business Consequences

A data breach can result in financial losses, legal sanctions, and erosion of customer confidence for businesses. The average financial loss for businesses following a data breach is approximately $4.45 million. Several businesses, such as Marriott Hotels International, Facebook, British Airways, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, and Sephora, have experienced severe repercussions due to data breaches, affecting millions of users and causing significant financial losses.

Individual Consequences

Individuals affected by data breaches, also known as data breach victims, may experience identity theft, financial losses, and psychological trauma. Stolen data can be utilized by criminals to perpetrate fraudulent activities in the individual’s name, such as opening new accounts, using credit cards, or taking out loans without the individual’s knowledge or authorization. Financial losses for an individual resulting from a data breach may include theft of assets, loss of customers, legal fees, and compensation for the loss of control of personal information.

Emotional distress, insomnia, eating and sleeping difficulties, and social anxiety can also result from a data breach.

How Data Breaches Occur

Data breaches can result from external threats, such as cyberattacks, or internal threats, such as employee negligence or malicious insiders. Cybercriminals employ various mechanisms to breach data, such as phishing, brute force attacks, malware, social engineering, and supply chain attacks.

Internal threats may involve employee negligence or malicious insiders.

External Threats

Cybercriminals may use phishing, malware, or brute force attacks to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data. They typically target personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, and email addresses, as well as credentials, financial information, intellectual property, and other sensitive data.

Understanding the types of information targeted by cybercriminals and adopting protective measures against external threats is key to preventing data breaches.

Internal Threats

Data breaches can also occur due to employee negligence, lack of training, or deliberate actions by malicious insiders. A malicious insider may expose company data and intellectual property for financial gain, leak sensitive information, sabotage equipment or systems, or wrongfully use sensitive data for fraudulent purposes.

Training and increasing employee awareness is crucial in preventing data breaches, as it provides employees with the necessary knowledge and skills to identify and respond to security threats.

Strategies for Preventing Data Breaches

Implementing strong password security, regular software updates, and employee training can help prevent data breaches. Companies can ensure their systems’ security by taking various measures, including:

  • Updating software and security patches
  • Implementing robust password policies
  • Providing cybersecurity training to employees
  • Securing networks with firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and encryption technologies.

Strengthening Password Security

Encourage the use of strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication to protect sensitive data. Creating complex passwords that are not easily decipherable can deter data breaches by defending against brute force attacks and making it more difficult for cybercriminals to infiltrate systems and steal valuable information.

Cybersecurity professionals recommend changing passwords every three months for maximum security.

Regular Software Updates

Keeping software and systems up-to-date minimizes vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. It is advised to update software regularly to avert data breaches, as outdated systems and software can create openings for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

Regular software updates often include patches that rectify vulnerabilities and enhance software security.

Employee Training and Awareness

Educate employees on cybersecurity best practices and the importance of protecting sensitive data. It is advisable for employees to undergo cybersecurity training at least two to three times a year, or roughly every four to six months, to improve their understanding of security protocols and reduce their susceptibility to phishing attacks.

Tools and Technologies for Data Breach Prevention

Utilize endpoint security solutions and network security measures to protect against data breaches. Data breach prevention tools can ensure secure data storage, monitor how it is accessed and used, and obstruct any detected exfiltration attempts.

Endpoint Security Solutions

Implement endpoint detection and response (EDR), data loss prevention (DLP) and data  security solutions to monitor and protect endpoints. These controls help by: :

  • Detection of malware and known threats 
  • Exfiltration prevention for policy controlled data 
  • Data protection from unauthorized users and processes

Network Security Measures

Employ network security tools to detect and block potential threats and unauthorized access attempts. Intrusion detection systems oversee network traffic and identify suspicious activities or potential security breaches, creating alerts that security analysts or incident responders can examine to pinpoint and counteract network threats.

Legal Considerations Surrounding Data Breaches

Be aware of federal and state-level regulations regarding data breach notification and compliance. Federal data privacy legislation applies to specific industries, such as healthcare and finance, but there is no overarching federal law for data breach notification.

Federal Regulations

Federal data privacy laws apply to the healthcare and financial sectors, but there is no specific federal legislation concerning data breach notifications. The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule and the FTC Rule for vendors of personal health records apply to the healthcare industry, while the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the amendment to the Federal Trade Commission’s Safeguards Rule apply to the financial industry.

State-Level Regulations

State data breach notification laws differ, and businesses need to notify affected residents promptly after a breach. Each state has its own notification requirements and timelines, generally obligating businesses to notify affected residents within a period of 10 to 30 days after the breach is discovered.

Responding to a Data Breach

Take immediate actions to contain the breach and implement long-term strategies to prevent future incidents. An incident response plan offers a detailed guide for responding to a data breach, aiming to minimize the impact and shorten the response time to the incident.

Immediate Actions

Identify the source of the breach, notify affected parties, and work with cybersecurity professionals to mitigate the damage. Measures like:

  • Recognizing the data breach
  • Initiating emergency intervention protocols
  • Collecting evidence
  • Evaluating the data breach
  • Performing containment, eradication, and remediation actions

are necessary to determine the origin of a data breach.

Long-Term Strategies

Review and update security policies, invest in advanced security tools, and provide ongoing employee training to prevent future data breaches.

Organizations that regularly assess their incident response plans and have official incident response teams incur an average data breach cost that is 55.3 percent lower than those lacking such teams and plans.

Cigent Endpoint Security Solutions for Data Breach Protection

Cigent offers advanced data defense solutions to help organizations protect sensitive data and prevent data breaches. Cigent’s data defense technology employs prevention-based defenses embedded into storage and individual files in order to protect data throughout its lifecycle. Secure file sharing and zero trust file protection are utilized to safeguard individual files.

Cigent offers the following features for data security:

  • Automatic risk-based file and partition protections when threats are detected, ensuring that only trusted users can access them
  • Physical data security, rendering the data invisible to sophisticated adversaries
  • Data Defense Secure Vault, which locks down data from within the storage device itself, preventing unauthorized access.

Contact us at Cigent to learn more and to schedule a detailed demo today! 

Data Breach Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you have a data breach?

A data breach is an incident that exposes confidential or protected information, which can be done physically or remotely. As a result, it's essential to be vigilant and check your account activity for suspicious transactions, and secure any passwords which could be used to access accounts. Additionally, if the site stores your password insecurely, hackers may be able to use that information to place orders, make bank transfers, and more.

What defines a data breach?

A data breach is an event that results in confidential, private, protected, or sensitive information being exposed to a person not authorized to access it. It can be the consequence of an accidental event or intentional action and involves copying, transmitting, viewing, stealing, altering or using such data without permission.

What is the average financial loss for businesses following a data breach?

On average, businesses experience a financial loss of $4.45 million following a data breach.

What password policies should be enforced?

Frequent changing of passwords does not always result in improved security, particularly if users maintain a similar password pattern (e.g., P@ssword1, P@ssword2, P@ssword3, etc.). Instead of frequent changes, password policy should focus on length (10+ characters is good, more is better). Passwords policy should also allow all ASCII characters and prohibit the use of consecutive numerals (123, 789).