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DIGISTOR® provides secure storage solutions for protecting Data at Rest (DAR), including FIPS and CC/NIAP certified SSDs with multifactor authentication for the Department of Defense, Federal agencies, major OEMs, and other global customers.

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies is committed to transforming businesses, shaping the future of innovation and developing technologies to drive human progress.


Kanguru is a US-based global provider of government certified, secure, portable IT storage solutions including encrypted SED’s, USB drives, and comprehensive remote management of deployed devices.

National Security Agency


Seagate helps the world store more data and harness its potential with breakthrough cloud storage services, systems, hard drives, and solid state drives. The Seagate Barracuda 515 series is designed with integrated advanced data security environments. BarraCuda delivers high performance, advanced reliability, data protection, and security.

Blueshift Cybersecurity

Blueshift XDR™ eliminates the SMB cybersecurity gap with a comprehensive managedSOC as a Service platform, purpose-built for companies of any size.