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AI Secured Storage

Protection without Compromise

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Patented Storage Embedded Data Protection


Designed by the world’s leading experts in data exfiltration and recovery for security teams, Cigent drives provide layers of protection to prevent compromise from advance persistent attacks.

  • Stops Physical Attacks
    Cigent drives designed with multiple, integrated protections ensure data
    cannot be exfiltrated or accessed by even most sophisticated adversary
  • Stops Remote Attacks
    Multiple triggers, including storage embedded AI monitoring data access –
    identifies and prevents data from being accessed
  • Unequivocal Data Destruction
    Patented methodology endorsed by NSA, will continue to run deletion
    until every sector has been erased and data is unrecoverable


They Will Get In

Sophisticated persistent adversaries with device access will defeat existing protections.

The need for AI in Cybersecurity
69 %

of enterprises believe AI is necessary for cybersecurity due to increasing number of threats that cybersecurity analysts can handle.

Decrease in Dwell Time
15 %

Average decrease in the median time between an attacker accessing their victim's systems and the attack being detected or executed.

Largest AI Cyber Attack
$ 150 million

Hackers used fake video and voice streams to pass biometric systems to fool a system, causing over $150 million in digital assets being stolen from a end users. AI Threat Detection would have locked drives before the attack could be carried out.


Unequaled Endpoint Security

Designed to highest specification the most impregnable endpoint data protection.  

Cigent AI Secured Storage was developed to ensure sensitive data was not exposed even when threat actors have direct access.  It was developed by some of the world’s leading data exfiltration specialists who reversed-engineer their approach to reimagine advanced data protection.  

Inaccessible Keys

Inaccessible Keys

Proven methodology for creation and storage of encryption keys. Using advanced algorithms keys are deconstructed and distributed throughout drive.

Learn More Inaccessible Keys
Hidden Drives

Hidden & Partitioned Drives

Secure Vaults render data completely invisible to malware, unauthorized users, and alternate operating systems. Hidden, encrypted partitions create additional protection for most sensitive data.

Learn More Hidden & Partitioned Drives
Immutable Insider Protection

Embedded AI

Inaccessible storage embedded AI protection, monitoring data access patterns. Embedded AI microprocessors continuously monitor data activity, automatically activating protective measures when tampering is detected

Learn More Embedded AI
Data destruction

Verified Data Erasure

Erasure ensures every block has been explicably wiped. Allows for drives to be reused or recycled. Provides emergency data destruction confidence.
Learn More Verified Data Erasure
Stops Ransomware

Secure Logs

Secure data access logs to capture all drive activity. Prevents insiders from “covering their tracks” with only solution that tracks data theft when insiders boot off a USB drive. May be used for response, non-repudiation, and litigation.
Learn More Secure Logs

Unlike traditional methods, Cigent’s patented erase verification proved superior to simple crypto erase, aiming for NSA approval. This unique capability allowed the Navy to repurpose drives confidently, knowing that sensitive data had been securely erased.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy

We couldn’t be more excited about our exclusive partnership with Cigent to equip selected Phison products with the most secure storage solution on the market.

- Sebastien Jean, CTO, Phison

We’re thrilled to be working with Cigent and Carahsoft to provide our Public Sector clients with a top-tier storage solution that boasts Government-accredited security certifications. This partnership along with our new offering is another stepping stone in Seagate’s continued support of our Public Sector clients.

- Mike Moritzkat, Managing Director of Seagate Government Solutions


Find answers to common questions and concerns about our products, implementation, and support.

What is AI Threat Protection?

AI Threat Protection leverages advanced artificial intelligence technologies to identify, analyze, and neutralize cyber threats before they can harm your digital assets. This system continuously learns and adapts to new threats, ensuring your organization stays protected against even the most sophisticated cyber attacks.

How does Cigent's AI Threat Protection differ from traditional cybersecurity solutions?

Unlike traditional cybersecurity solutions that often rely on static databases of known threats, Cigent's AI Threat Protection uses machine learning algorithms to dynamically understand and counteract novel threats in real time. This proactive approach not only detects known malware but also identifies anomalous behaviors that could indicate a potential unknown threat.

Can AI Threat Protection be integrated with existing security infrastructure?

Yes, Cigent's AI Threat Protection is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing security infrastructure. It complements your current cybersecurity measures by adding an additional layer of intelligent, adaptive protection that can interact with other security tools to provide a comprehensive defense strategy.

What kind of threats can Cigent’s AI Threat Protection defend against?

Our AI Threat Protection system is equipped to defend against a wide range of cyber threats, including ransomware, phishing attacks, zero-day exploits, and advanced persistent threats (APTs). The system’s AI-driven capabilities enable it to evolve in response to emerging threats, thereby maintaining robust defense mechanisms.

How does Cigent ensure the privacy and security of data processed by its AI Threat Protection?

Cigent prioritizes the privacy and security of all data processed by our AI Threat Protection. All data is encrypted in transit and at rest, and our systems are compliant with major regulatory standards such as GDPR and CCPA. Moreover, data processing is conducted with strict adherence to privacy-preserving protocols, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and secure.