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Unbreachable Encryption: Maximum Data Security for Your Business

In today's digital landscape, data breaches pose a relentless threat to organizations. Even the most robust encryption systems can falter if encryption keys are compromised. Cigent's Inaccessible Keys present an unbreachable solution to safeguard your sensitive data by providing unmatched protection for encryption keys, ensuring your data remains secure and invulnerable to attacks.
Keys Cover

Discover the Future of Data Security.

Cigent's Inaccessible Keys revolutionize data protection by isolating encryption keys within a secure hardware enclave, separate from the operating system and applications. This innovative approach eliminates the risk of software-based attacks, ensuring your keys—and your data—remain untouchable.

You'll learn:

  • The critical importance of hardware isolation for encryption keys
  • How tamper-evident design enhances data security
  • The benefits of granular access control in preventing unauthorized decryption
Inaccessible Keys

Key Insights

Incident Response

Hardware Isolation

Encryption keys stored in a secure hardware enclave eliminate the risk of software-based attacks, protecting your data even if the system is breached.
persistent adversaries

Tamper-Evident Design

Any physical tampering attempts with the hardware enclave are detected, rendering encryption keys unusable and further safeguarding your data.


Granular Access Control

Granular Access Control

Provides detailed access management, ensuring only authorized personnel can decrypt sensitive information, enhancing overall security.

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy