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Verified Data Erasure: Never Worry About Deleted Data 

Data breaches are on the rise, and even deleted information can be vulnerable. Traditional erasure methods are risky, leaving traces behind. Verified Data Erasure is the failsafe solution. We guarantee your data is permanently destroyed.
data erasure

Never Worry Again with Verified Data Erasure.

Data breaches are a constant concern in today's threat landscape, and insider threats pose a particularly difficult challenge. Traditional data logs can be tampered with, hindering investigations and leaving your organization vulnerable. Cigent's Secure Data Logs address this critical gap by providing an immutable record of data activity. This datasheet dives deep into the inner workings of Cigent's solution. 

You'll learn how Cigent's technology:

  • Protects You from Breaches: Multi-pass overwriting with verification ensures no data remnants remain.
  • Guarantees Complete Erasure: Block-level verification eliminates the possibility of data hiding.
  • Offers Flexibility: Initiate erasure remotely or locally for maximum convenience.
  • Provides Verifiable Proof: Detailed reports document the entire process for compliance audits.
Verified Data Erasure

Key Insights

Ironclad Data Removal

Ironclad Data Removal

Eliminate sensitive data permanently with guaranteed results.

Unmatched Confidence

Gain complete peace of mind knowing your data is truly unrecoverable.

Reduced Risks

Reduced Risks

Minimize the potential for data breaches and their costly consequences.

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy

Cigent's endpoint security solution has provided unparalleled protection for our data, even in the face of sophisticated attacks.

- DIGISTOR for US Navy