Cigent provides an integrated layered solution that stops adversaries from compromising data even when a device is compromised. Protection from remote or physical attacks.
A single Endpoint Data Protect Platform that provides comprehensive endpoint PROTECTION.
Policy based zero-trust endpoint access control enabled by AI monitoring limit exposure without compromising user productivity. Full device encryption protects data when devices go loss or missing.
Cigent was developed by world’s leading experts in data exfiltration. Layered defense including hidden drives, inaccessible-keys, and AI tampering detection can PROTECT data from any known exfiltration approach.
Modern, cloud console provides simple end-to-end approach to successfully deliver FDE and meet and report upon compliance mandates. Cigent solutions can enable customers to meet FIPS, NIAP, and NSA CSfC DAR certifications.
Endpoints are a challenge due to their sheer numbers, that they are under constant attack, are susceptible to physical loss, and most challenging of all, are used by end users.
Ransomware and endpoint attacks: Detect and respond is insufficient to prevent data compromise. Malicious actors’ innovation, accelerated by AI adoption, continues to circumvent current endpoint security.